Friday, January 8, 2010

Day Spa Docklands What Do You Think Of An Animal Day Spa At Rescue Centers?

What do you think of an animal day spa at rescue centers? - day spa docklands

Ok, so for our mission, VHA eto we suggest something of an organization to be in. I am in an organization to save animals, and I would like to propose an idea for a day spa in central intend animals to be saved. You think this is a stupid idea? I take your honest opinion. Even if you agree with me that it's a good idea, what are some ways to finance the day spa, and what advantages you see in the day spa? Thank you!


afk said...

I do not think animals need a day spa. I guarantee that there is more than one million better uses for money from a spa for pets. Especially when you try to make a difference in the world. Perhaps you could use a shovel or sterilization program or a vaccination program. For the money we could receive up to private companies that deal with domestic animals and local citizens' groups. You can also apply to grants or government funding. Also a sort of adoption program for finding homes for animals is good.

After reading NewYorkGirl, perhaps you could own spa day for a program run, as I already mentioned. Those responsible have their dogs and use it to help feed and rescue animals. It would be a win-win situation.

newyorkg... said...

They're great. I volunteered at the rescue center for animals and a gym and Doggy Day Spa, outside the facility Animal Rescue.

Customers bring their dogs for a day or a few hours to go before some of the dogs all day, while her "man" at work or running errands.

The Doggy Day Spa is private and not part of a medium to conduct Animal Rescue.

You pay for the day spa itself.

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