Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Dental Hygienist Sample Cover Letter I Want To Become A Dental Hygienist But Work Full Time. Is It Better To Become An Assistant First?

I want to become a dental hygienist but work full time. Is it better to become an assistant first? - dental hygienist sample cover letter

I work full time and are looking for two different programs online for a dental assistant, but I know it's very different from an officer, but I wanted to start somewhere. Is this a good idea or should a school hygienist?


sam_ndsc... said...

It's really up to you. If you work as an assistant or dental hygienist. You do not need the aid program, before going through the health programs. I did not choose to go through the aid program before entering the health care program, and I'm glad that he did not. The aid is not for me, though - and some people really want - I am just one of those people. Full-time hygienist is usually 4 to 4.5 days per week. Good luck. The two main sections!

Leo Dragon said...

Yes, school = more, the better position. I suggest you to first assistant. You have some experience. Better education and experience you have, better than his good race. =] Good luck.

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