Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Signs Liver Damage What Are The Signs Of Liver Damage?

What are the signs of liver damage? - signs liver damage

As our liver has several important functions in our body, then the signs of liver damage has been paid.
** First, your skin and / or yellow eyes (jaundice). This is because the damaged liver does not excrete urobilinogen, which a yellow pigment.
** Because the liver is responsible for the excretion of bile, facilitating the emulsification of fat, is the fat content of foods that we eat can be digested and not absorb fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) such that ' ll a variety of symptoms to a deficiency of these vitamins have are related.
** The causes of water retention (edema) due to a lower protein or protein in the blood.
........................ And many more ...................... .........

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