Monday, February 8, 2010

Blog Theme Curtain Please Help! What Blog Theme Would You Suggest So I Can Attract More Readers?

Please help! What blog theme would you suggest so i can attract more readers? - blog theme curtain

I have my own blog site on But I have not yet decided on a particular topic, blog about. Comments?


Mutly said...

They do not know the target audience is looking for is a little hard to say. But since most people read blogs that seem to fall into the category of young adults, I would write about things that are important to them. In other words, try to topics that are avoided politics in context and try to learn more about the pop-focused culture. Movies, music, books, etc.. But to be honest. Write about topics of interest to you, you're too.
If you do not write about things as you can only blog about the day. Or just random comments about how to do. Do not force fun, or because very rarely works.

sanju_cu... said...

There are some problems here, but no one can really draw readers to your site and get them to stay, unless they are very professional and unique. I personally do not recommend to the free themes that can not reach the top download in the search results.

A complete professional blog is optimized for search engines and generate traffic to your site, like everything else. And to give 500 percent return on their sites. That's what I used on my blog, the blog address:

I hope that helps. The Revolution is the best theme design companies around, and found by the use of these items have their traffic has doubled. You can also see your W3C test.

Dobby [Loves his sock.] said...

Oh, I hate that you can choose. Create a site such as:

Then take the code and paste it in, but make sure it is XML.

(There are several sites that offer themes of the blogs / skins just look at Google)

But no one will read your blog if you have something to read, so working on that too.

Meredith Greene said...

People looking for blogs they like, regardless of the subject when others want to read it, they will. Be yourself.

to love is to live said...

I always enjoy reading this blog who make me laugh. Or blogs where people complain about things in a funny way.

adriande... said...

Scribe is my personal favorite

Sunsh... said...

idk wat kind of topics, at r there? wat a series of books or movies or sonething. idk which i hav a blog

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